Ik ben Nanda en & / I’m Nanda and
Sinds 2004 ben ik een gekwalificeerde Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong leraar van de ITCCA originele Yang Stijl (ITCCA: International Tai Chi Chuan Association.)
Since 2004 I am a qualified Qi Gong & Tai Chi Chuan teacher of the ITCCA original Yang Style. (ITCCA: International Tai Chi Chuan Association.)
Mijn ervaring omvat diverse dynamische Qi Gong’s als Zhan Zhuang ‘dynamiek van stilstaan’; Helende Klanken, 8 Brocades, series Tai Chi Shibashi, 5 Spirit Qi Gong, 5 Element Qi Gong, 5 Element Dao Yin, Snake Qi Gong, en nog verschillende Qi Gong oefeningen, evenals Taoïstische ontspanningsoefeningen.
En natuurlijk, wat net zo Qi Gong is: Taoïstische meditatie, Qi-zelfmassage & acupressuur, ademhalingstechnieken.
My experience encompasses divers dynamic Qi Gong’s, Zhan Zhuang ‘dynamic of standing still’: Healing Sounds, 8 Brocades, series of Tai Chi Shibashi, 5 Spirit Qi Gong, 5 Element Qi Gong, 5 Element Dao Yin, Snake Qi Gong, and several more Qi Gong exercises, as well as Taoist relaxation exercises.
And of course, in this package of Qi Gong, also: Taoistic based meditation, Qi-self massage & acupressure, breathing techniques.
Ik heb kennis van (traditionele) Chinese Geneeskunde, 5 Elementenleer en YinYang filosofie. Dit gecombineerd met mijn paramedische beroep als Oefenherapeut Mensendieck, specialist in houding- en bewegingspatronengeeft mij een brede kennis op het gebied van lichaam en geest.
I have knowledge of TCM, 5 Elements and YinYang philosophy. This combined with my paramedic profession as a Kinetic Therapist (Mensendieck: specialist in posture and movement patterns) gives me a broad knowledge in the field of body and mind.
2016 was het jaar dat ik Yin Yoga leerde, en ik had het geluk – en ben er nog steeds dankbaar voor – om te beginnen met teachertrainingen. Het rechtstreeks leren van echt goede leraren als Miriam Wagner, Jo Phee & Esther Scheen geeft meer dan een solide basis.
In 2016 I learned Yin Yoga, and I was so lucky – and still thankful – to start with teachertranings. Learning it directly of really good teachers as Miriam Wagner, Jo Phee, Esther Scheen.
Als Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong student en leraar gedurende zoveel jaren, waarbij je je vooral concentreert op één stijl en afstamming, geeft dat echt diepgang aan je beoefening en gevoel van Qi. Ik ben mijn Meester Chu King Hung en de meesterleeringen Andreas Heyden en Martin Klett, meer dan dankbaar voor het delen van hun ervaring en kennis van deze prachtige kunst.
Being a Tai Chi Chuan & Qi Gong student and teacher for so many years, concentrating foremost on one style and lineage, gives really depth to your practise and feeling of Qi. I’m more than grateful to my Grandmaster Chu King Hung and my teachers, disciples Andreas Heyden, & Martin Klett, for sharing their experience and knowledge of this beautiful art.
A little more about me: my twenties I spend traveling around the world, in my early thirties I met my now husband and did some more traveling, my forties I started my first official study (Oefentherapie Mensendieck), and in my fifties we decide to move (2019) from main city Amsterdam, to the countryside in Hungary where I live amidst nature. A beautiful decision where my foremost teacher is nature herself.

Experience more outlined
Tai Chi Chuan, Qi Gong, Yin Yoga and Dao Yin are based on Taoism philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Tai Chi Chuan
Besides the form of Tai Chi Chuan and the in-depth steps of this form, learning Tai Chi also includes Meditation – Qi Gong – Taoisti (Qi) self massage, Pushing Hands, Fighting Form, Broad Sword, Sword. When you learn Tai Chi Chuan, you learn all these as well.
All teachers follow a curriculum created by Master Chu King Hung (the leader of the ITCCA) and take private lessons with him annually. Only then do the teachers obtain his permission to teach. I have permission to teach the Original Yang style Tai Chi Chuan Form, the immersive Steps, Fighting Form, Pushing Hands and Sword Form. Besides attending private classes with Master Chu each year, I take intensive courses and take part in retreats organised both by Master Chu and Andreas Heyden (disciple of Master Chu, ITCCA Köln). This training regimen continues to deepen my experience of and feeling for Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong, so that I may pass these on to my students.
Qi Gong
Aside from the Qi Gong learned within the ITCCA , I have experience in several other Qi Gong-forms as mentioned above.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga teacher training – Chinese medicine, Meridian Nidra, Hip Anaotmy – Jo Phee
Yin Fascial Yoga, myofascia release, 5-elementen Qi Gong – Beta Lisboa & Sai Calder
(partly) Yin Yoga teacher training – Miriam Wagner
Myofascia Release & Yin Yoga – Esther Scheen
Adjusting Yin poses workshop – Jose de Groot
5-Element Dao Yin Sai Calder
Qualified Kinetic Therapist Mensendieck: specialist in posture and movement patterns
And of course during my lifespan I have followed more than one courses related to body and mind, i.e. Dharma Ocean, Anatomy Trains, Cranio, Mindfulness training Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield, Gua Sha, and so on….. and the road is still unfolding.
….if I believe in anything, it is that the body is so much wiser than the mind
(or at least how we use it)…… Nanda .